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Equipment Loan Pool
Durable medical equipment in excellent working
condition is available to ALS patients by loan at no charge. The equipment
is assessed for appropriate use by our Equipment Loan Pool Director.
Call (626) 449-0605
. . .
. . . to DISCUSS
your mobility problems and equipment needs with a physical therapist.
. . . to BORROW used durable medical equipment.
. . . to DONATE used durable medical equipment.
Frequently Available:
Hospital beds,
shower chairs, bedside commodes, raised toilet seats, wheeled walkers.
Often Available:
Standard manual wheelchairs, highback recliner, manual wheelchairs,
orthopedic type electric beds, power lift seat recliner chairs, power
wheelchairs or scooters.
Call and ask!
We can put your name on a waiting list, if needed.
OF MEDICAL DISPOSABLES, such as Ensure, diapers, bed pads, urinary, feeding
tube or ventilator supplies - let us know and we will notify you when
we receive such donations.
*Equipment is loaned
free of charge from a pool of donations of used durable medical equipment
on a first come, first served basis. Funds for installation, new batteries,
etc., are the responsibility of the borrower.
* Persons wishing to borrow equipment should first speak with Ferne
to determine appropriateness and safety of use.
* Equipment may usually be picked up at the Convalescent Aid Society (CAS)
in Pasadena. If you have no way to get the equipment, we will try to find
a volunteer to transport it.
* Large items, like beds, can usually be delivered. You will be asked
to help with the cost of delivery, if you are able.
* You will need to complete an application form giving your drivers license
number and name/address/phone number of two additional responsible parties.
* Used durable medical equipment in good working condition may be donated.
You will receive a listing of equipment donations, which you may use for
IRS purposes.
* Volunteers are also needed for equipment transport - call Ferne.
to obtain equipment and evaluations:
Call Ferne Hayes, Equipment Loan Pool Director, (626) 449-0605, on-line
at mailto:[email protected]
The ALS Association Greater
Los Angeles Chapter • P.O. Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 91376-0565, Tel: (818)
The information
contained on this web site may not be published, broadcast or otherwise
distributed without the prior written authorization of The ALS Association.
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