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Caregiver Services
ALSA Events
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About the ALSA

Date Event


Chapter Annual Meeting
3/5 Ask the Experts
3/10-3/13 National Leadership Conference 
4/2 Share the Care Training 
4/9  Walk to D'Feet ALS
May '05 ALS Awareness Month 
5/7 Walk to D'Feet ALS
5/9-5/11 Advocacy Days
5/19 Lou Gehrig's Birthday
 Click to learn more and to register for events!

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Volunteer Services | Statistics | Testimonials | Readings | Application Form

Volunteer Statistics

Since the office was founded in 1990, The ALS Association of Greater Los Angeles has worked to provide as many resources as possible to PALS, caregivers and others in the ALS community.  Over the years, the local Chapter has been successful in increasing the provided services annually as shown in the graph below.  We can only do this with your help, and the help of the local community!  Historically, the organization has grown volunteer service significantly thanks to improvements in communication and management systems.  The statistics for the past four years are show below, as well as a project number of hours budgeted for 2004.  Please help us reach this goal!

Year Volunteers Volunteer Hours Percent Change
1999 27 882 -
2000 220 2672 +321%
2001 482 4034 +34%
2002 427 5269 +27%
2003 (est.) 500 6500 +12%


The ALS Association Greater Los Angeles Chapter • P.O. Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 91376-0565, Tel: (818) 865-8067
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