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Volunteer Services
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Application Form
Volunteer Roles
The ALS Association, Greater Los Angeles Chapter needs you! Like
any other non-profit agency, many of our services could not be provided
without the generous time given by volunteers. The following is a list
of current volunteer activities. Click on the activity to learn more,
or scroll down through the page to learn about all of the volunteer opportunities
available at the Los Angeles Chapter office.
If you are interested
in any of these volunteer opportunities, please click on the appropriate
link to submit your on-line application for that position! Thank you for
your gift of time and talent! If you are interested
in any of these positions, or feel you would like to participate in some
other manner, feel free to call me at our office at (818) 865-8067. Also,
you can let me know your interest by sending me a completed on-line volunteer
application by clicking on the appropriate link below.
With thanks,
Molly Rockey
Director of Volunteer Services

Patient Services Volunteer Opportunities
- Equipment
Loan Pool – assist in picking up and delivering medical
and computer equipment for PALS (Persons with ALS) in Los Angeles, Ventura
and San Bernardino counties. Required time is very flexible and the
need is great. Especially looking for volunteers with access to a truck.
- Pals for
– A home visiting program where specially trained volunteers meet
with PALS in their homes for social visits. Suggested activities during
visits may include: reading the newspaper, making telephone calls, writing
letters, watching movies or sports, help sending e-mails. Three hour
training program required, hours are flexible.
- Simple
Wishes – A one-time offer to help a PALS complete a special
wish in a two to three hour time period. Some of the completed Wishes
to date include: trimming and feeding rose bushes, creating a special
scrapbook of a family vacation, writing love letters for PALS, cooking
a special meal from a family recipe, wrapping holiday gifts, addressing
holiday cards, organizing recipes, helping organize tax receipts, arrange
a CD collection, rearrange old 45’s in a juke box. Requests come
in sporadically and are assigned to volunteers based interests and geography.
Volunteers with the ability to communicate using alphabet boards or
assisted augmentative communication are preferred.
Apply now!

Special Event Volunteer
- Walk
to D’Feet ALS – October 2, 2004 – Reed Park
in Santa Monica
1. Join the Walk to D’Feet planning committee. Meets the second
Wednesday of each month in downtown Los Angeles
2. Help with the media campaign
3. Volunteer to help the day of the event with registration, route safety,
cheering section, refreshment tables, volunteer management, decorations,
set-up and take down.
4. Help in the Agoura Hills office with event mailings, data entry,
post-event processing, team-captain correspondence.
5. Assist volunteer coordinator with volunteer management and recruitment
6. Recruit walking teams
2004 Authentic Swing Charity Golf Tournament
– North Ranch Country Club – Monday, July 19, 2004
1. Help with silent and live auction item solicitation
2. Assist in Agoura Hills office with mailings and event processing
3. Help on the golf course with pre-event games, registration, set-up,
breakfast and lunch
Apply now!

Advocacy and Public Policy Volunteers
ALS is a nonpartisan
disease and every Member of Congress needs to hear from those affected
by and living with the horrors of ALS. Your involvement as an ALSA Advocate
will allow you the opportunity to tell your personal story and put a face
on this devastating disease. Congress also often responds most positively
to personal stories and requests.
You can register as an advocate with the ALS Association’s team
in Washington D.C. here!
By filling out the on-line ALSA
Advocate form, your name will be added the ALSA’s Government
Relations Database. You will receive action alerts and bulletins on advocacy
activities on behalf of people with ALS
Advocacy Events
2004 National
Advocacy Day/Public Policy Conference
May 15th - 18th, 2004
Washington, D.C.
Join PALS, family members, caregivers, volunteers and staff as we “head
for the Hill” (Capital Hill) to educate our elected officials
about the importance of stepping up the fight to conquer ALS through
research, care and support. Contact the Greater Los Angeles Chapter
office at (818) 865-8067 or
[email protected] for more information and
registration forms.
Agenda items this year include:
1. Increase federal funding for ALS specific research from the Department
of Defense and NIH
2. Develop a prescription drug benefit for Medicare beneficiaries.
3. Support patients and caregivers

"Ask the Experts" Educational
Symposiums Volunteers
We are looking for
volunteers to help prepare literature and assist the day of the event for the upcoming "Ask the Experts" educational symposiums as
shown below.
- March
27, 2004 – Ask the Experts for Healthcare Professionals
in Santa Monica. Need help with set up and take down, a timer to keep
speakers on schedule, technology assistants, photographers, videographer.
- May 8,
2004 – Ask the Experts – Fearless Living with ALS
– II.
Need greeters, vendor assistants, technology assistants, a timer to
keep speakers on schedule, help with set up and take down. To register
please click here!
Apply now!

Office Assistant Volunteers (Agoura Hills
1. Word processing
2. Special projects
3. Filing
4. Data entry
5. Phone calls, solicitations
6. Support group mailings
7. Place event notices in local newspapers
8. Write PSA’s
9. Etc., etc., etc.

ALS "Messenger" Newsletter Volunteers
The Messenger, the
chapter’s quarterly newsletter, reaches a circulation of over 8,000
households. We are looking for volunteers to help by:
1. Writing event
2. Editing articles and proofreading
3. Taking pictures at events
4. Coming to the chapter office in Agoura Hills to help process by folding
and sealing.

Volunteer Coordinator Assistant
Our Volunteer Services
Department has grown! We need help in the Agoura Hills office:
1. Updating volunteer
hours and assignment in the data base
2. Contacting event volunteers with assignments, maps, etc.
3. Help writing thank you notes
4. Community recruitment
5. Volunteer matching
The ALS Association Greater
Los Angeles Chapter • P.O. Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 91376-0565, Tel: (818)
The information
contained on this web site may not be published, broadcast or otherwise
distributed without the prior written authorization of The ALS Association.
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