Date |
Event |
Chapter Annual
Meeting |
3/5 |
Ask the Experts |
3/10-3/13 |
Leadership Conference |
4/2 |
Share the Care
Training |
4/9 |
Walk to D'Feet ALS
Redlands |
May '05 |
ALS Awareness
Month |
5/7 |
Walk to D'Feet ALS
Ventura |
5/9-5/11 |
Advocacy Days |
5/19 |
Lou Gehrig's Birthday |
to learn more and to register for events!
Download the latest
Messenger newsletter!
Click here
to download!


What is
ALS? |
Diagnosis |
Research |
New Research
are research labs all over the United States working on finding a cure
for ALS. Some of the more prominent organizations are listed below. Click
on the link to find out more!
ALS Association
To learn more about current information on drug development, clinical
trials and ALSA funded research, see the following links:
Therapy Development Foundation
To learn more about Will Hubben’s extensive, searchable archive
of ALS research articles and abstracts, see the following link:
Medical Reference for Gulf War-Related Research
This site is a central repository of Gulf War-related medical research,
including ALS-related illnesses.
Muscular Dystrophy Association
To learn more about current information on clinical trials, studies and
research through the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA), see the following
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
To explore an Entrez search and retrieval system of article databases
including MEDLINE, through PubMed, see the following link:
National Institute of Health (NIH)
To learn about recent clinical trials, search this database of current
information about clinical research studies surrounding ALS, see the follwing
The ALS Association Greater
Los Angeles Chapter • P.O. Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 91376-0565, Tel: (818)
The information
contained on this web site may not be published, broadcast or otherwise
distributed without the prior written authorization of The ALS Association.
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