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Caring for the
Caregiver |
Caregiver Services
the primary focus during a fight against ALS is with the patient, the
families and friends need our help as well! These caregivers face an
uncertain future as their friend, family member or acquaintance is
fighting this ailment.
ALS Association of Greater Los Angeles provides support groups for the
caregivers in our local community. Also included in this area of
the web site are:
Caring for the
Caregiver. This heartfelt reading is meant to be an
inspiration for the caregivers in the local area. Caring for a
PALS is a difficult and challenging task, and care and support must be
given to those supporting the PALS as well. A very good
Inspiration. For
those times when the caregivers are weak, these inspirational readings
will help lighten the mood and rejuvenate the caregiver in their daily
struggle to provide care.
Resources. While
the local chapter can provide only so many resources, these links of
other local and national resources may be beneficial to our local
caregivers. If you have any other good resources, please feel free
to share!
Additional readings selected by local caregivers and PALS to help
caregivers in their daily struggle to provide care.
The ALS Association Greater
Los Angeles Chapter • P.O. Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 91376-0565, Tel: (818)
The information
contained on this web site may not be published, broadcast or otherwise
distributed without the prior written authorization of The ALS Association.
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